Friday, January 16, 2009

In need of a focus

My mind is random mash up of ideas, questions and curiosities, all at the same time and at any given time.  Since establishing writing, or more specifically writing in the form of blogging, as a resolution for the New Year, I have found myself thinking, 'Hey Self, you should write about that when you get home.' And then 42 other ideas and tasks needing completion hit me at the same time, and that thought is buried and gone.  
This process happens over and over through out the day, but by the time I arrive home and get to my computer I  usually end up with my mind a bit numb and in need of thoughtless activity such as of multiple rounds of word games on Facebook, catching up on my online distractions, or just watching some TV on the computer.  
It is my hope that as this resolution becomes a habit that these swarms of ideas will stick with me for longer and become fully formed so that they can be shared here.

1 comment:

Darrell G. King said...

A feeling others share.