Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolute- Take 2

Here we are, at the start of another year and again I find myself contemplating what I accomplished in 2009 and what I want to accomplish in 2010.

I have begun laying plans for a year of athletic feats. In '09, the big goal was not one of physical health, but of world adventure, so my time was consumed by working a second job to save for the European trip we took in June, and combing the internet for itineraries, locales and sights to prepare for when we got there. One of the side trips I did manage to take was to San Francisco with my friend. We happened to be in S.F. the weekend of the Bay to Breakers race, which is quite an event but was completely new to me. We watched from hotel windows as sleek runners, graceful even from 20 floors up, sped down the street, followed by a menagerie of characters in costumes and, in some cases, touting floats, up the street in a multi-thousand person throng of fun and run. It was so fun in fact, that I have put that same friend on notice, as well as step-mom, and partner, that I will be there, I will run this race, and I will kick ass.

Hence, athletic feat number one. -Bay to Breakers 10K run in mid-May

Athletic feat numero dos: Pine Hollow Sprint Triathlon in June,,
which looks like it takes place in a gorgeous resort on the east side of Mt. Hood.

There will be other items added to this list, I'm sure, and other resolutions to work on but this seems like a good start.

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